Hi there! You may notice that my website is fairly new, and that's ok! Watch it grow with me!! I plan on this website being my main site for all things crafty... I'm much too scattered to dedicate my instagram for just one thing (as my boyfriend with degrees in Marketing and Communication tells me to - sorry Max!).
As of right now I'm in between trimesters at school. This means I'm creating a lot and sleeping even more. School is the hardest thing I love - there's no doubt in my mind that I want to be a chiro (and the best I can be for my patients) but WOW am I excited for breaks when they come up. I've completed my first year at school, which means I'm done with the cadaver lab and I'm moving into more hands-on and patient-based classes.
Along with sharing my art, I hope to show just how much goes into becoming a chiropractor. It's hard work and I'm insanely proud of what I do! Here was me, about a year ago before I started my program. I was oh so excited to enter the anatomy lab and put my scrubs to use! Now, I'm happy to be out of the lab and away from the intense work BUT I am so incredibly honored that I was able to learn this way. I'll forever be thankful to the donors and their families for letting me learn from them.